Lesezeit: 1 Minute

Doku-Tipp: Germany’s Neo-Nazis & the Far Right

Von Hal­le über Nordkreuz/Uniter, der Grup­pe S., Wal­ter Lüb­cke bis zu Fran­co Albrecht und Hanau – „Germany’s Neo-Nazis & the Far Right” ist eine selbst für Infor­mier­te erschüt­tern­de Repor­ta­ge über Rechts­extre­mis­mus in Deutsch­land. Sie macht nicht nur wegen der Dich­te und Schwe­re der ange­führ­ten Fäl­le betrof­fen, son­dern vor allem wegen des fahr­läs­si­gen Umgangs der ver­ant­wort­li­chen Behör­den damit. […]

1. Aug 2021

Deca­des after the Holo­caust, FRONTLINE inves­ti­ga­tes the resur­gence of far-right extre­mism and vio­lence in Ger­ma­ny — and what aut­ho­ri­ties are doing to con­front the gro­wing problem.

From pro­du­cer, direc­tor and cor­re­spon­dent Evan Wil­liams, who has been cove­ring the far right in Euro­pe for almost a deca­de, “Germany’s Neo-Nazis & the Far Right” looks at how, over the past five years, Ger­ma­ny has faced a wave of vio­lence against Jews, Mus­lims, immi­grants and left-wing poli­ti­ci­ans. Wil­liams pro­bes the rise of neo-Nazi ideo­lo­gy and far-right extre­mism in modern-day Ger­ma­ny — inclu­ding within the country’s mili­ta­ry and poli­ce — and why aut­ho­ri­ties are strugg­ling to address the gro­wing move­ment. Grip­ping and alar­ming, “Germany’s Neo-Nazis & the Far-Right” is a powerful look at Germany’s efforts to come to terms with its past — and its pre­sent. The docu­men­ta­ry is sup­port­ed by “Explo­ring Hate,” a mul­ti­plat­form public media initia­ti­ve from The WNET Group in New York aimed at offe­ring an in-depth under­stan­ding of the rising tide of hat­red, hate cri­mes, anti­se­mi­tism and racism. (Front­li­ne)

Germany’s Neo-Nazis & the Far Right (Front­li­ne PBS 2021, 53′18″)

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