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Kommentar: Saure Milch für Türkenhasser

Mehr hat es nicht gebraucht! Die Ent­schei­dung der Nie­der­ös­ter­rei­chi­schen Mol­ke­rei (NÖM), Milch­pro­duk­te für den Ver­kauf in tür­ki­schen Läden auch mit SÜT (für Milch) zu kenn­zeich­nen, hat in ein­schlä­gi­gen Krei­sen zu einem Sturm im Milch­glas geführt. Wei­ter…

Die AFP – Teil 3: Die „Politische Akademie der AFP”

Seit 1966 fin­den die „Poli­ti­schen Aka­de­mien der AFP” all­jähr­lich statt. Die Aka­de­mien sind eine wich­ti­ge Akti­vi­tät der AFP und die­nen der Ver­net­zung inner­halb der rechts­extre­men Sze­ne. So fin­den hier immer wie­der Ver­tre­ter deutsch­na­tio­na­ler, rechts­extre­mer und neo­na­zis­ti­scher Strö­mun­gen zusam­men. Neben Expo­nen­ten des rechts­extre­men Lagers des In- und Aus­lands tra­ten dort wie­der­holt auch Funk­tio­nä­re der FPÖ als Refe­ren­ten in Erschei­nung. Wei­ter… — Eine „Liste Wien“ will bei den Gemeinderats- und Bezirksvertreterwahlen im Herbst antreten.

Laut „Blick nach rechts” war Gün­ter Rehak Refe­rent beim Jah­res­kon­gress der „Gesell­schaft für freie Publi­zis­tik (GfP)”. Die­se „Gesell­schaft” ist ein rechts­extre­mer Ver­ein, wo auch Wal­ter Mari­no­vic bereits refe­rier­te. Bei einer Ver­an­stal­tung der GfP 2001 trat der Neo­na­zi-Sän­ger Frank Ren­ni­cke auf. Rehak gehört auch dem „wis­sen­schaft­li­chen Bei­rat” des Neo­na­zi-Blat­tes „Volk in Bewe­gung & Der Reichs­bo­te” an. Wei­ter…

Die AFP – Teil 2: Geschichte der AFP

Die AFP – Arbeits­ge­mein­schaft für demo­kra­ti­sche Poli­tik, eine poli­ti­sche Par­tei, wur­de 1963 gegrün­det, der Name der AFP lau­te­te bis 1975 Arbeits­ge­mein­schaft für Poli­tik. Als die AFP 1975 behörd­lich auf­ge­löst wur­de, for­mier­te sie sich als Akti­ons­ge­mein­schaft für Poli­tik neu. 1987 benann­te sich die AFP sich in Arbeits­ge­mein­schaft für demo­kra­ti­sche Poli­tik um. Wei­ter…

Brauner „Antikriegstag“ mit österreichischer Beteiligung

Am 4. Sep­tem­ber 2010 fin­det zum sechs­ten Mal der „Natio­na­le Anti­kriegs­tag” in Dort­mund statt. Auch der öster­rei­chi­sche Alt­neo­na­zi Gott­fried Küs­sel wird – wie auch in den ver­gan­ge­nen Jah­ren – bei die­ser Ver­an­stal­tung eine Rede hal­ten. Wei­ter…

88 Parliamentarian Questions concerning Nazis and Rightist Extremism in Austria

In July 2010 Karl Oel­lin­ger, Green MP in Aus­tria, addres­sed 88 par­lia­men­ta­ri­an ques­ti­ons con­cer­ning nazi- and right­ist extre­mism acti­vi­ties in Aus­tria to the Minis­ter of Inte­ri­or, Maria Fek­ter. The ques­ti­ons refer to the web­site, which ist online sin­ce April 2009 and within a year tur­ned out to be a major pro­ject aiming to coor­di­na­te and aggrava­te acti­vi­ties of right­ist extre­mists bey­ond par­ti­cu­lar groups. Alt­hough Aus­tri­an law was vio­la­ted on the web­site repea­ted­ly, secu­ri­ty forces have not taken effi­ci­ent mea­su­res to stop the thre­at. In rep­ly to a for­mer par­lia­men­ta­ri­an ques­ti­on con­cer­ning the web­site, Aus­tri­an Minis­ter of Inte­ri­or, Maria Fek­ter, declared to be bound by the fact, that the web­site tech­ni­cal­ly is loca­ted on a ser­ver in the USA.

This, of cour­se, is an insuf­fi­ci­ent excu­se for the inac­ti­vi­ty of the Aus­tri­an secu­ri­ty forces, as a num­ber of acti­vists or peo­p­le in cont­act with acti­vists of the web­site is alre­a­dy detec­ted, but yet were not ques­tio­ned by the poli­ce. Poin­ting on alle­ged libe­ral laws in the USA fur­ther is inap­pro­pria­te, as the acti­vists of the nazi-web­site not only vio­la­te the Aus­tri­an Nazi Pro­hi­bi­ti­on Act of 1947 (which in fact couldn’t be pro­se­cu­ted in the USA), but also seve­ral other laws, of which many are much more effec­ti­ve in US-legis­la­ti­on and juris­dic­tion than in Aus­tria (espe­ci­al­ly con­cer­nig hate­cri­mes and forming of ter­ro­rist groups).

The 88 par­lia­men­ta­ri­an ques­ti­ons of the Green Par­ty in Aus­tri­an Par­lia­ment aim to acti­va­te Aus­tri­an secu­ri­ty forces as well as to gain sup­port in the USA. In the fol­lo­wing we brief­ly descri­be the back­ground of the par­lia­men­ta­ri­an ques­ti­ons in an abstract.

The web­site decla­res to be a joint acti­vi­ty of seve­ral groups of acti­vists spread over Aus­tria fight­ing the „hated“ Repu­blic of Aus­tria as “an instru­ment of geno­ci­de, that exhausts the cor­pus of the peo­p­le (in Ger­man the web­site uses the word “Volks­kör­per”, which is a spe­ci­fic Nazi-Code), robs its boun­da­ries, injects ali­en toxics and deta­ins the last exis­ting sane ele­ments.“ (Feb. 25th, 2010)

Mem­bers of the­se groups have been vio­la­ting law for seve­ral times, espe­ci­al­ly by agi­ta­ti­on of hat­red, dama­ge of pro­per­ty or vio­la­ti­on of the Aus­tri­an Nazi Pro­hi­bi­ti­on Act of 1947. defi­ni­te­ly appro­ves acts of law vio­la­ti­on, as it calls for „crea­ti­ve“ and „direct action“: „Don’t get caught and be crea­ti­ve. Hate towards the sys­tem must be acted out, or we could love the sys­tem as well.“ (Feb. 10th, 2010)

The web­site threa­tens cri­tics espe­ci­al­ly by publi­shing pic­tures, names and addres­ses in com­bi­na­ti­on with fur­ther­go­ing thre­ats and the announce­ment of phy­si­cal attacks. The inter­net-forum ali­gned with the web­site (ali­n­fo­do) doesn’t shy expli­cit com­mit­ment: „The day of reven­ge will come.“ A user with the ali­as „Dr. Brandt“ (refer­ring at the per­so­nal phy­si­ci­an of Adolf Hit­ler) decla­res: „Vio­lan­ce is no solu­ti­on – the cowards and the wimps always say. Of cour­se vio­lence sol­ves all pro­blems and is an inter­na­tio­nal lan­guage ever­y­bo­dy can under­stand.“ Accor­ding to Dr. Brandt, deba­tes with poli­ti­cal enemies, espe­ci­al­ly with jews, are detest­a­ble. „You don’t con­ver­se with bugs, lou­ses or fleas. You just try to eli­mi­na­te them.“ Sever­ely inti­mi­da­ting is the fact, that the web­site as well as the forum prai­se para­mil­ta­ry groups and vio­lence in seve­ral Euro­pean count­ries (as for ins­tance Hun­ga­ry, Cze­chia,…) and ther­eby pro­pa­ga­te an ide­al of acti­vists attack­ing the vic­tims of their hat­red-pro­pa­gan­da. Not supri­sin­gly, the num­ber and the inten­si­ty of nazi-attacks on peo­p­le of color and anti­fa­scists in Aus­tria has dou­bled within the last years, includig two peo­p­le kil­led and a num­ber inju­red in 2009 and at least two case of seve­re arson in hos­tels in 2010.

The acti­vists respon­si­ble for the web­site and the forum not only pro­pa­ga­te vio­lence and hat­red, they also preach for coope­ra­ti­on with legal right-wing groups and par­ties. In seve­ral notes they call for coope­ra­ti­on with the Aus­tri­an Free­dom Par­ty (which has seve­ral MPs in Aus­tria) or other extre­me right-wing orga­ni­sa­ti­ons. Seve­ral users of the forum decla­re to be mem­bers of the Free­dom Par­ty and repea­ted­ly inter­nal papers and infor­ma­ti­ons of the Free­dom Par­ty were published on the web­site. On the other hand, Free­dom-Par­ty-acti­vists are pro­mo­ting the web­site in their face­book-accounts or in simi­lar ways.

www.alpen-donau.ifo tech­ni­cal­ly is sited on a ser­ver in the USA and the­r­e­fo­re doesn’t fear Aus­tri­an pro­se­cu­ti­on, so the peo­p­le in char­ge of the site dis­play expli­cit terms and admit their ties to the nazi-ideo­lo­gy. They also direct­ly offend and ver­bal­ly attack Aus­tri­an poli­ti­ci­ans, jour­na­lists, poli­ti­cal acti­vists and artists as well as women in offi­ci­al posi­ti­ons, mem­bers of eth­nic mino­ri­ties, homo­se­xu­als or dis­ab­led peo­p­le (for ins­tance by publi­shing their adress reques­t­ing to „visit“ them or to „get in cont­act“), con­stant­ly in com­bi­na­ti­on with terms like “the day of reven­ge will come” or refer­ring to tor­tu­re and mur­der per­for­med by the nazi-regime or other inhu­man regimes.

For fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on, plea­se cont­act: [email protected]